I’d like to draw attention to a recently published blog post of Derek Ford that provides, from the today’s perspective, a thorough review of arguments pro and contra for the Four-State model of cave genesis in the dimensions of length and depth.

It contains a critique of ""Looping caves” versus “water table caves": The role of base-level changes and recharge variations in cave development" (Gabrovsek, Häuselmann and Audra, 2014) and opens an informal discussion on many relevant aspects. On behalf of the UIS Commission on Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis, I kindly invite interested researchers to participate in this discussion in the Speleogenesis Blog.

Registered members of the Speleogenesis Network may post their comments/replies to the Derek’s blog post, or start their own blogs offering opinions, discussions and information on any aspects of karst and cave science. 

Alexander Klimchouk