29th IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists) Meeting of Sedimentology will be held in Schladming, Austria, on 10 – 13 September 2012.

“Sedimentology in the Heart of the Alps”

Among many themes and sessions included in the scientific program, there is Theme 4: Continental depositional environments, with Session T4 S1 “Karst, Cave sediments and speleothems”  (Conveners: Roman Aubrecht, Slovakia, and Michal Gradzinski (Poland).

Of specific interest for karst and cave scholars could also be the Session T6 S2 Development of aquifers in sediments and sedimentary rocks (Conveners: Giorgio Hoefer-Oellinger (Austria) and Marco Fillipponi (Switzerland).

For details of this meeting, please, visit the meeting website.