UIS Commission on Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis

Registration for the 18th International Congress of Speleology is currently open at the discount price of 129 euros ($141 US) for a week of spectacular events and meetings. Also, don’t forget that abstracts are due by 31 July 2020. Many excellent sessions and symposia are planned on all speleological topics. Here is an announcement of one of the sessions.

Session 03: Cave Deposits/Session 03: Les dépôts endokarstiques
Karst deposits as archive – multidisciplinary approaches for reconstructing karst processes, present and past landscapes, environments, and climate.
Les dépôts karstiques en tant qu’archive – approches multidisciplinaires pour la reconstitution des processus karstiques, environnements et climats présents et passés.

A more detailed description can be found on this site
Une description plus détaillée se trouve en fichier joint ou sur le site

The Editorial Committee/Le comité éditorial:
Sophie Verheyden (Belgium) and Carole Nehme (France) dirs.
Bogdan P. Onac (USA, Romania, IUS), David Lagrou (Belgium), Nadja Zupan Hajna (Slovenia, IUS), Fadi Nader (France, IUS), Yavor Shopov (Bulgaria, IUS), Gina Moseley (United Kingdom), Daniel Ballesteros (Spain), Edwige Pons (France), Anamaria D. Haeuselmann (Switzerland, Romania), Sebastian Breitenbach (United Kingdom).